

Dipl.-Ing. agr.
Hagen Knafla
Plinderheide 57
D-48291 Telgte / GERMANY




Tel:: +49-(0)2504-922703
Fax: +49-(0)2504-922704

Site notice in line with § 5 Telemediengesetz (TMG)


Dipl.-Ing. agr.
Hagen Knafla
Plinderheide 57
D-48291 Telgte / GERMANY




Tel:: +49-(0)2504-922703
Fax: +49-(0)2504-922704


USt-IdNr.: DE 813386625

Your company offers a product to be used in fertilizer and/or substrate production? This product exists already or is supposed to be developed? To be interesting for customers in Germany or the Benelux this product may have to be adapted in terms of technic or marketing?

Most successful products imported to Germany can proove their quality and characteristics by central european standards. Besides special circumstances in production, climate and resources, it can be necessary to validate the products properties concerning national needs. horticon knows the market and offers foreign companies a wide range of support in establishing a product to be used in the substrate or fertilizing business.


This support could contain different levels of service, for example:

• analysis by european standards

• market research studies

• grow trials at official research stations

• and even design and translations of information materials


Even if your product is perfect it will be necessary to convince potential customers. This should be done by facts of professional and reliable institutes. If you want more information please do not hesitate to contact us: info@horticon.netThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it